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The ruins

The day was extremely windy as I went for a walk eastward from where I was staying while in Morocco earlier this year. A good two miles down the road I ran across this ruin and went over the very uneven ground battling thirty to fifty mph gusts of wind.
Taking photographs with my Leica/Lumix was near on impossible until I set the camera for Sport. That grabs the instant and then processes the image on the second press. They came out okay considering. I did some research for ruins in Tanja (Tangier), but came up with nothing in regards to this site.
This looks like some kind of oven, maybe for baking bread.

Judging from the ruins in Ksar es Seghir, I reckon this may be older. The stone work is different and not as well put together.

The area is not very large
Oct 01, 2024

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