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First time in Jerusalem

A long, long time ago there was this range of hills tucked away from just about everywhere. In those hills was a small town. It had to bring in it's water from somewhere else, no known trade route was nearby. The town was led by a man with no father or mother and it had no valid reason on earth to exist let alone survive. Nowadays it is named Jerusalem and I arrived there on a winter's day some years ago when it was cold and wet.

I'd booked 3 nights in a budget hotel, without the hassles of a hostel. A man was there to receive me and during my stay, we got along fine. A number of times he went out of his way to help on a few matters. For me there was a personal agenda to visit Israel. As a travel destination Jerusalem is very expensive and touristy, not the kind of place I normally head for. When I arrive somewhere, I stop for a bit to get the 'feel' of the place. I sort of sense it, takes a few minutes. Usually the result is along the lines of: confused, sleepy, so nice it almost hurts, etc-etc. Here was very different, my almost immediate result was: Hands Off! A bit scary, to say the least.

Jerusalem is ancient, very ancient. Historically it was destined for one people only, the Children of Israel—period. Initially I wanted to photograph of all the gates of Old Jerusalem. However, the back side of my right knee screamed in pain. As I spent time chatting with various people, I noticed it subsided a little. When I started out toward a gate, I could barely walk! I paused just above the Western Wall for a bit, the agony stopped. Finally it "dawned" on me, with a different agenda, I walked normally.
I prayed for permission before photographing and backdating the Zion Gate.

What is Jerusalem really about? Of course, like most places, there are the religious aspects and buildings scattered around. It has become a center for a number of faiths. But Jerusalem is not really about faith. It's not about physical structures, there are many. It is not, if we stand back and look honestly, about various heritages.

Jerusalem is about people and life

I could say that about any place on earth: but here it is, in a way, unique. The usual tourists were about taking snapshots and babbling out their typical jargon. I doubt they even considered the people who live and work here.

It was still Sabbath (Shabbat) and no food had entered my stomach for over 16 hours. A stall in the Arab Quarter had a big basket full of Cashew nuts, so I half filled a plastic bag with some, paid a few Shekels then proceeded to eat them as I continued. Stopping regularly for chats with a number of stall holders I was immediately accepted as, "you're not a tourist, are you." I thought it interesting that these people picked that up.

Having arrived on Shabbat, everything Jewish was closed. Even the trams did not run. Saturday evening about 7pm it all came alive, so I stuffed myself silly with chicken schnitzel and fries at a place near Zion Square. Sunday, I just strolled quietly around.

All things considered, I enjoyed my short time in Jerusalem. I was able to meet some fantastic people. It was my very first visit to Israel and opened my eyes to a few things. My knee never bothered me again and is quite normal now.

Wrapping it up?

Words like finally or wrapping it up, just do not fit. You cannot "wrap up Jerusalem", it doesn't work. Sure all cities, towns and villages have people in, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Jerusalem is different than any other city on Earth.

There is something "bigger" about it and somehow I reckon it is not up to you, I, religious leaders or diplomats as to how things will work out. Like it, want it, believe or not, our ideas are irrelevant. This place belongs to a Higher Authority. I think I now understand the "Hands Off", at the beginning.

I had finished this article and 11 days later the UN made a bad decision about Israel.

"On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."—Zechariah

Just-a-little-bit awesome...
Oct 02, 2023

My old Simian Circles blog here for reference

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