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Have taken up photographing wild things. The journey may be included.


Eurasian Chaffinch

A washed out trip to a nature reserve next to Oronoz-Maguire, about an hour's bus ride from Pamplona, saw me...


I did see some peacocks in Pamplona last year but it was not mating season, this year on the Isle...

White stork

The White Stork from the Isle of Man's wildlife park. I had never seen a stork before ...

Ring-tailed Lemur

The view was fairly clear so grabbed some shots of the Ring-tailed Lemurs, this is one of them. ...


This Guanaco was at the wildlife park on the Isle of Man, I phptographed 4 creatures while there. ...

An Egyptian goose

A while back I was out covering a bit of ground and near a small lake ran across the usual...

Deer in the shade

It is the sixteenth of December, cold because of the chill factor, but the sun was out. This time of...

Another fox

Living in the location I do, wild animals are not all that present. Disembarking from the tram, I headed for...
cow parsley.jpg

It's ling time

It was one of those typical English days when everything runs right, 55 degrees and overcast. A short train ride...

Just a mangy fox day

Four stations down the line is a town which has a common. The land termed commons is for the commoners...

First outings

Traveling to various places by any means of transport is something we all do, whether it's for work, pleasure, as...

Wildlife introduction

It was a long time ago and I was 16. My father had been assigned to a US Air Force...

My old Simian Circles blog here for reference

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