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Plans and ideas

Things have changed lately and will do so more over the next few years. Some time ago, on my old blog, people said maybe I should write a book. Well, that has begun and there will be two of them. The first is an autobiography that's basically finished, the second a work of fiction which I have just begun the second chapter. Add these to what already is being done, like wildlife photography, some hikes and travel posts so it looks like I shall be quite busy, Then there are the results of the pandemic and countries are getting tighter, especially all of the EU which you will have to buy a visa to enter from sometime in 2024. Who knows what'll go down next.
The well trodden paths could be a thing of the past.

I'm writing this post in Pamplona, Spain and will be here until the first bit of January 2024. From there I hope to head to Tangier, Morocco and find a place to stay that's not too expensive to do more writing and hopefully get some good photo's of wild creatures in the country, I'll more than likely stay there until the beginning of March.

From there it's wait and see

Nov 08, 2023

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